The LX.lab is a diverse, flexible and multi-skilled team, offering a comprehensive package of learning and teaching support, with a specialisation in blended learning and technologies for learning. As part of IML, the LX.lab works with the faculties to support and build capability across all UTS teaching staff to enhance the learner experience.

What we do

Champion blended learning

Come speak to our knowledgeable team about teaching in blended environments. We offer: 

  • consultation advice
  • training 
  • practical support from a pedagogical perspective

LX.lab can liaise with faculties and Subject Coordinators to guide them with developing Canvas sites, templates and interactive activities, or even co-design blended learning experiences as part of strategic programs.

Support modern classes through educational media

What gets learners’ attention? Videos, audio clips, podcasts and interactivity. 

LX.lab supports teaching staff to design, curate, produce and package their own educational media, from H5P activities through to video webinars. 

Our training program shows how to use educational media to transition away from the traditional lecture model. Our LX.lab Media Space and equipment loan schemes are part of keeping pace with the modern classroom. It’s DIY with premium support.

Promote inclusive practices

We want to ensure all UTS students can participate in learning. 

LX.lab provides technical support, resources and advice for staff around inclusive pedagogical practice and learning environments. We partner with SSU (Accessibility Service), ITD and CSJI to achieve this.

Tailor up-to-date technologies to UTS

LX.lab represents the learning and teaching needs of staff and students in ecosystem development. We draw on quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to help drive changes within the Digital Learning Ecosystem.

Our learning technologies include: Canvas, H5P, Kaltura, Mentimeter, Microsoft 365, Portfolium, Turnitin and Zoom. 

We advise and work with ITD on the evolution of existing learning technologies and their external providers to make sure learners are getting the best from a pedagogical perspective. 

We test technologies and develop strategic plans with ITD for their rollout, including communicating the impact to the rest of UTS.

Upskill and expand professional capacity

Whether you are new to Microsoft Teams or have a tricky Canvas setup, our services are here for all the learning and teaching community at UTS.

We run workshops and give practical support on learning technologies through 1:1 consultations, online support and live chat. We’re a friendly bunch too.

Connect the learning and teaching community

Our LX.lab physical space is a hub for the learning and teaching community. We develop a rolling program of events in the hub, and university-wide, to engage staff in learning and teaching. 

Teaching remotely? We plan, create and maintain the following on our LX at UTS website: 

  • collections of instructional self-help resources
  • inspirational blog posts written by staff and academics with our editorial guidance
  • bespoke toolkits and campaign pages to support specific initiatives and projects

How we work

The LX.lab work in both core teams and cross-functional ‘Squads’. Our Squads are nimble and work to solve problems quickly. They mix and match staff to draw on a broad range of skills to deliver relatively short-term strategic focused projects.

Our liaisons or ‘Chapter’ members build relationships with different faculties and teaching groups to support technology enhanced learning.

Who we work with

The LX.lab delivers services in partnership with a number of areas, including:

  • ITD, including LATS, ITSC, AVS, and technology project teams
  • Faculty learning and teaching teams
  • Broader IML, including the Teaching and Curriculum Team
  • Accessibility Services
  • UTS Library and student support areas such as HELPS

Find out more

  • The LX.lab loves hearing from teaching staff. Our Futures blog is a great place to share your knowledge with the academic community.
  • Need help with learning technologies such as Canvas? Log a ticket via ServiceConnect and one of our LX.lab team members will be in touch.
  • See the full list of learning technologies supported by LX.lab. 
  • Did you know the LX.lab Media Team has all the camera equipment and know-how to support educators in creating their own great videos and multimedia experiences?
  • Keep an eye on the LX.lab events page for workshops, special guests and technology sneak previews.