Monday, 20 November 2017
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm - LX.lab CB06.04.020
How do you go about providing personal, actionable feedback to students individually on a wide range of performance and learning issues if your class counts several hundreds? Some subject coordinators have a rare knack to memorize the names of hundreds of students in their class and students just love it to be known personally. Knowing their learning habits, performance, current difficulties and favourite topics is something beyond even the most dedicated educators. And yet, students feel greatly touched and encourage if a teacher addresses their learning support needs at the most relevant personal level.
This introductory session facilitated by Dr. Jurgen Schulte, on providing personal, actionable feedback to large cohort of students using learning analytics and a mailer system of your choice (e.g. OnTask) presents the principle ideas and benefit of providing just-in-time feedback to students and how approach is received by students.
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