Thursday, 14 March 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm - Zoom – further details provided upon registration
Beginner. Prior knowledge of Canvas Gradebook is not required.
Who should attend this session?
Teaching staff who are:
- coordinating subjects in Canvas in Autumn 2024.
- have limited experience with Canvas Gradebook.
What will you learn?
At UTS, we have an automated end-of-session grades submission process via Canvas.
In this session, we will walk you through the process of:
- grades submission from Canvas and into CASS (Curriculum and Student Systems).
- setting up your assignments in weighted assignment groups so that Canvas can calculate your total subject mark automatically at the end of the session.
- checking that assessment marks and feedback have been set to be released to students manually (recommended).
- linking your REVIEW tasks to Canvas if you are using REVIEW to provide feedback to students.
This session will not include:
- how to set up grades submission for Grades, no marks subjects. If you have a Grades, no marks subject, please request a consultation with the LX.lab on Service Connect.
- the use of GradesPlus to submit results to CASS.
Zoom link
You will receive the link to access this workshop via Zoom in your registration email.
Register for this event
Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.
To register your attendance, please log in to LX.