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Cross-institutional : exploring mixed mode teaching delivery | 19 November - LX at UTS
  • Thursday, 19 November 2020
    2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
  • Zoom – further details provided upon registration

The LX.lab is excited to be hosting a cross-institutional community of interest event focused on Mixed Mode delivery of teaching in higher education.

Building on our previous events, we will continue to explore what it means to successfully run a ‘mixed mode’ subject. Simplistically, this is where you are simultaneously teaching students in a classroom on campus and remote students online (typically on Zoom). If you haven’t already, read this introduction to the topic.

What to expect?

During this event we will hear from teaching staff from universities across Sydney and Melbourne who have been experimenting in mixed-mode delivery:

  • Annette Dowd, Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences from Faculty of Science, University of Technology Sydney
  • Samantha Hockey, Education-focused Lecturer in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney
  • Matt Bower, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University
  • Michael Henderson, Professor in Digital Futures, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Our guests will share their ideas and experience, and answer some of the tough questions that come up around equitable opportunity to learn in a mixed mode environment. We hope to form some standards for the design of mixed mode classes and establish a community of practice to support mixed mode delivery across the university sector.

Did you know?

There are many ‘Zoom enabled’ rooms across UTS already that can help you run a mixed mode class. The AVS Support Team have made a training video to help academics use Zoom at classroom lecterns. Rooms with Zoom-enabled capability can be found by searching for the room you are teaching in. If the equipment listing includes the item ‘Zoom Collaboration’ – you are in business.

Zoom link

Zoom link will be available in the confirmation email upon registration

Test event | 31 December

  • Tuesday, 31 December, 2024
    1:00 am-2:00 am
  • UTS