Wednesday, 16 October 2019
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm - CB01.21.050
The Course Directors Network (CDN) provides a cross-faculty space for Course Directors to learn from and with each other. The goal of the CDN is to support Course Directors to face the many challenges of this unique role and identify opportunities when leading whole of course processes.
In this CDN meeting Professor Natalie Stoianoff, Course Director, Intellectual Property Program, will share her experiences of moving to Canvas.
Following Natalie’s presentation, Alisa Chadfield, Program Change Manager, LX Transformation Program, will discuss the support available for faculties throughout the LX Transformation process. Alisa will address:
- Information on the LXT program implementation approach
- Partnerships and mechanism to help Course Directors in their role in LXT
- Where to access information, share feedback and seek guidance
All Course Directors (program coordinators, discipline leads) at UTS are invited to attend.
Please register below for catering purposes – lunch will be provided from 12.30pm.
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To register your attendance, please log in to LX.