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Write Time - Weekly Writing Sessions - LX at UTS
  • Wednesday, 11 October 2017
    11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • B03.04.024 Bon Marche Boardroom

That long, uninterrupted stretch of time where you’ll FINALLY be able to concentrate purely on your writing is just around the corner. Yeah right! Write Time could be the next best thing…

Write Time is a weekly dose of one hour of writing productivity, divided into:

  • A 5 minute introduction chat
  • 20 minutes of silence to write
  • 10 minutes break and conversation time
  • Another 20 minutes of writing
  • 5 minutes’ reflection

Write Time originated earlier this year as a way to encourage the production of blog content for There is now a regular network of Write Timers who use the time for thinking, reflecting, coding, drawing, creating, and of course writing (whether academic writing or blogging).

Here are some of the reasons why people LOVE Write Time:

  • Productive flow: Write Time gives you 40 minutes of pure productivity. “You will be able to produce something you never thought possible in such a small time frame”.
  • Focus: “It gives me the time and space to focus on research-related tasks that I would put off otherwise.”
  • Switching off the background noise: “I don’t fake it – I actually turn off email and other distractions and spend a solid 40 minutes writing. I even have the word count to prove it!”
  • Being present: “There’s no guilt, it’s not yet another meeting. Just come, and focus on being present. Make it your ‘me’ time at work.”
  • Reflecting: “I get  time to re-centre where I am and where I am going with my work”
  • The social aspect: Hear about what others are working on, get tips, advice and encouragement, and connect with people you might not usually see much of. “Being part of a group helps me stay driven and focused.”
  • “I’d encourage everyone to give it a go – no-one is going to ‘give’ you time to write and this is a great way to schedule it in!”

All are welcome, and you can sign up below with no commitments. Just come along whenever you feel like it.

For enquiries, email

Register for this event

Your video, audio and the meeting chat transcript may be recorded or photographed. Please advise the facilitator if you do not wish to be recorded or photographed.

To register your attendance, please

Test event | 31 December

  • Tuesday, 31 December, 2024
    1:00 am-2:00 am
  • UTS